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¿Existen los fantasmas?

MensajePublicado: Ago 31 2014    Título:
Frida Reyes | | Invitado

Un tema con muchos matices al igual que el de libre albedrìo.

Felicidades Mirmidom, me gustan estos temas.

Difìcil tomar una posiciòn absoluta. La muerte sigue en muchos sentidos siendo un misterio para nosotros. ¿ Què hay màs allà de la muerte ?

Chopra da una respuesta interesante cuando habla de energìas y planos a los cuales podemos ascender aùn en ciertos momentos , diferentes grados de conciencia.

Para algunos puede ser risible la experiencia que podamos tener y que no podemos dar explicaciòn alguna. La cuestiòn es que sigue sin tener respuesta cientìfica alguna.


MensajePublicado: Ago 31 2014    Título:

Chopra da una respuesta interesante cuando habla de energìas y planos a los cuales podemos ascender aùn en ciertos momentos , diferentes grados de conciencia.

Chopra es un apanta-[pen...]ös y vividor profesional. Nada más.


MensajePublicado: Ago 31 2014    Título:
Frida Reyes | | Invitado

Nahhhhhhhhhhh segùn san Vigoratus o san quien .


MensajePublicado: Ago 31 2014    Título:

Es un miserable estafador y explotador de gente ignorante y necesitada de consuelo existencial.


MensajePublicado: Ago 31 2014    Título:
Frida Reyes | | Invitado

Cada quien su opiniòn. No comparto la tuya. punto.


MensajePublicado: Ago 31 2014    Título:

Bueno, yo; no tengo NADA QUE GANAR con decir que el tipo es un charlatán engaña-desesperados, mientras que él tiene MUCHO QUE PERDER si algún día la cultura pseudo científica en que vivimos le deja de producir tan buenos CLIENTES:

Of course, Chopra has a web site where he will be honored to take your money for one of his many books, tapes, or seminars. We should not be too harsh with our guru, however. It is understandable that he would give up working in medicine in favor of working in religion. In medicine you are surrounded by sick people and constantly reminded of your own mortality. It is difficult work, often very stressful and unrewarding. As Chopra himself put it: "It's frustrating to see patients again and again, and to keep giving them sleeping pills, tranquilizers and antibiotics, for their hypertension or ulcers, when you know you're not getting rid of the problem or disease."* Also, while taking care of others, a physician might fail to take care of himself and come to require sleeping pills, tranquilizers, something to lower the blood pressure and relieve the stress in himself. In religion, on the other hand, you can surround yourself only with sycophants who demand to be deluded and deceived because it makes them feel so healthy and happy. By turning to metaphysics instead of biology, one avoids the risk of being proved wrong. It is much easier to dispense hope based on nothing to miserable people than it is to accept harsh and sometimes brutal reality while maintaining health, optimism and happiness. It is much easier for some people to face life by deceiving themselves into thinking they alone are in charge of what is real and what is true. It is much easier to find confirming evidence for a worldview than it is to do nuts-and-bolts research. It is certainly much more enjoyable to chat with Oprah Winfrey and rub elbows with the rich and famous than to watch another cancer patient die.


Chopra claims that perfect health is a matter of choice and that he can identify your dosha and its state of balance or imbalance simply by taking your pulse. He claims that allergies are usually caused by poor digestion. He claims you can prevent and reverse cataracts by brushing your teeth, scraping your tongue, spitting into a cup of water, and washing your eyes for a few minutes with this mixture (Butler p. 111). According to Chopra, "contrary to our traditional notions of aging, we can learn to direct the way our bodies metabolize time" (Wheeler). Chopra also promotes aromatherapy based on the Ayurvedic metaphysical physiology. He sells oils and spices specifically aimed at appeasing Vata, Pitta or Kapha. Actually, what Chopra and other "alternative" healers sell is hope. Chopra gives hope to the dying that they will not die and hope to the living that they can live forever in perfect health. But his hope seems to be a false hope based on an unscientific imagination seeped in mysticism and cheerily dispensed gibberish. Science is unnecessary to test Ayurvedic claims since "the masters of Ayurvedic medicine can determine an herb's medicinal qualities by simply looking at it (Wheeler)."


Ultima edición por Invitado el Ago 31 2014, editado 1 vez


MensajePublicado: Ago 31 2014    Título:
Giordano_Bruno | | Invitado

No creo que pierda nada, ni siquiera te conoce.

El problema es de creencia y de ese nivel de opinión. En la doxa no hay episteme



MensajePublicado: Ago 31 2014    Título:

He sells oils and spices specifically aimed at appeasing Vata, Pitta or Kapha. Actually, what Chopra and other "alternative" healers sell is hope. Chopra gives hope to the dying that they will not die and hope to the living that they can live forever in perfect health. But his hope seems to be a false hope based on an unscientific imagination seeped in mysticism and cheerily dispensed gibberish.

frown.gif frown.gif frown.gif


MensajePublicado: Ago 31 2014    Título:
Frida Reyes | | Invitado

y tù VIGORATUS ? Ya fuera de Chopra, ¿ CREES en la vida, despuès de la muerte ? Yo no


MensajePublicado: Ago 31 2014    Título:

Doctora, por supuesto que NINGUNA conciencia sobrevive la muerte del cerebro.


MensajePublicado: Ago 31 2014    Título:



MensajePublicado: Ago 31 2014    Título:
Frida Reyes | | Invitado


Por eso posteè lo anterior.

Difìcil tomar una posiciòn absoluta


MensajePublicado: Ago 31 2014    Título:
Mirmidón74 | | Invitado

Yo tampoco creo que exista una realidad alterna a la que vivimos, y para muestra es que percibimos lo que los arquitectos llaman las tres dimensiones, alto, largo y ancho, no más.


MensajePublicado: Ago 31 2014    Título:



MensajePublicado: Ago 31 2014    Título:
Frida Reyes | | Invitado

En dìas pasados en una reuniòn de amigos, un abogado me preguntò , ¿ Porquè si el ojo solo ve en tres dimensiones , existen los ecosonogramas de cuarta dimensiòn ?


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